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Monthly Concert July 2023 »In Memoriam«

Concert on the 273rd anniversary of the death of J. S. Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750):

Ihr Menschen, rühmet Gottes Liebe, BWV 167
Ärgre dich, o Seele, nicht, BWV 186
Ein ungefärbt Gemüte, BWV 24
Vor deinen Thron tret ich hiermit, BWV 668

Ensemble Ælbgut, Capella Jenensis

Soprano Isabel Schicketanz, alto Stefan Kunath and baritone Martin Schicketanz had a vision: to combine solo music-making and transparent ensemble singing. In 2018, they founded the ensemble Ælbgut, which caused a sensation in June 2020 when it presented a completely solo performance of the B minor Mass at the BACHMARATHON of the Bach Archive Leipzig, which was broadcast on the Internet. Together with the young baroque ensemble Capella Jenensis, the ensemble Ælbgut is once again a guest in Leipzig on the 273rd anniversary of Johann Sebastian Bach’s death. The program includes works written by Bach 300 years ago in his first year in Leipzig: among others, the cantata “Ihr Menschen, rühmet Gottes Liebe,” BWV 167, which is introduced by an enchantingly graceful pastoral aria, as well as other pieces from Bach’s rich treasury of cantatas.

A cooperation between MDR-Musiksommer, Bach-Archiv Leipzig and Thomaskirche Leipzig

Ticket prices: € 39.00 / € 29.00 / € 14.00
The “Cantata Pass” is available as a combination ticket for all concerts: 300 / 240 / 180 / 120 euros

Accompanying the monthly concerts, there will be a concert introduction and a talk in the Summer Hall of the Bach Museum Leipzig at 6:00 pm on the day of the concert. Further information on the accompanying talk in the context of this monthly concert can be found here.



20:00 –